Indoor Gardening
New Experiences In the Indoor Garden | Guten Yardening

This has been a fantastic indoor gardening season, and now that we are ready to wrap it up, we wanted to recap some of our indoor gardening successes and challenges.

Everytime we garden, we have the opportunity to learn, and this indoor gardening season was no different. We grew well over 20 different fruit and vegetable varieties, harvested organic vegetables to feed our family, and learned a great deal about growing indoors. We were able to successfully grow potatoes, green beans, purple beans, kohlrabi, and so much more.

Now, as we remind you of those experiences, we encourage you to go back and watch some of those videos to get a more in depth look at our experience this winter.

It is amazing to be able to grow our own food 365 days a year, and being able to grow fruits and vegetables that would never normally survive in our zone 5 gardening winter weather.

Please enjoy this recap of our winter indoor garden.

Thanks for watching.

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#Grow365Challenge #IndoorGardening #WinterGardening

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