00:00 Intro
00:42 Raised Bed Garden
02:16 Easy DIY Raised Bed
04: 22 Intensive Gardening
05:36 Container Gardening
06:38 Locating Cheap Food Grade buckets
10:23 Gardening in-ground
Do you want to grow food but don’t know how. Do you live in an apartment, or do you have a small area to grow food? If you have no experience growing food, I will show how to garden foe beginners. There are a few methods a beginner may want to try; Raised Bed garden, container garden, and growing in-ground. Having limited garden space, a new gardener may want to grow in containers or in raised beds. These options are great because the gardener gets to put quality soil in either location. Intensive gardening can happen in a raised bed or in containers. Another option for beginners is growing in a grow bag. Having a mobile garden has it advantages because the plants can be moved out of harms way. If a person is moving, the plants can be moved with ease. Many gardeners use urbanism gardening because they don’t have a lot of space because they live in the city. In this video I talk about diy raised beds, they are easy to grow without using nails, screws, or drills.