Garden Design

Is there a better time of year than seed-ordering season? You may shop for seeds online, or perhaps you prefer the analog version (like us) of paper catalogs. Regardless, ordering and starting seeds is an act of defiance against the winter conditions outside. Starting seeds says, “Hey snow and ice–you don’t scare me! I know spring is right around the corner.” Today we’ll talk about the seeds that have made it into our virtual shopping carts this year and tell you a little bit about what a particular variety was deemed a must-have. Carol, being the resident seed-starting expert offers up some ornamental and edible options, while Danielle sticks to tried-and-true veggies. Joining the hosts on this episode is digital content manager for FG, Christine Alexander who has some extra insight to share after she started a slew of seeds last year to grow her own wedding flowers. What did well–and what didn’t? Tune in to find out.

Special guest:

Christine  Alexander, digital content manager for Fine Gardening.


Carol’s Plants

‘Verrone’s Sophie’ dahlia (parent plant)

‘Verrone’s Sophie’ dahlia (Dahlia ‘Verrone’s Sophie’, Zones 8-11)

‘Defiant PhR’ tomato (photo: Johnny’s Selected Seeds)

‘Defiant PhR’ tomato

Tall verbena

Tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis, Zones 7-10)

Danielle’s Plants

‘Red Burgundy’ okra
‘Red Burgundy’ okra

‘Red Burgundy’ okra

‘Sweet Pea Currant’ tomato
‘Sweet Pea Currant’ tomato

‘Sweet Pea Currant’ tomato

‘Mad Hatter’ pepper (credit: New England Seed)
‘Mad Hatter’ pepper (credit: New England Seed)

‘Mad Hatter’ pepper

Christine’s Plants

Glass gem corn
Glass gem corn

‘Glass Gem’ corn

Fortex French Filet Bean
Fortex French Filet Bean

‘Fortex’ French filet bean

Waltham Butternut
Waltham Butternut

‘Waltham’ butternut squash

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