Gardening Tips

In winter, low temperatures as well as too intense light, lack of water (when the soil has frozen the moisture in it cannot be absorbed by the roots), and wind may cause damage. Some harm is directly due to the effects of below-freezing temperatures on the tissues of tender plants; other damage is indirect, for
Conditions that Roses Like Fortunately, roses are quite easy to accommodate. They have, however, several dislikes such as poorly drained soil, deep shade, particularly when the roots of trees deprive them of nutriment, and very alkaline soil. Choosing a Site The site should ideally be in an open position, sunny for most of the day,
Over the years, there have been several conflicts of opinion on the aspects of pruning. There’s no reason for this because a rose is considered a flowering shrub. As far as pruning is concerned these are classified as either plant that blooms on the new wood produced during the current season or they flower on
All About Roses – C. Simone Given a writer with a willing pen, a day of June, a garden across which the soft wind comes full of the mingled scent of rose blossom-the delicate fragrance of the Teas, the deep scent of the full-colored Hybrid Perpetual’s and the old garden roses such as Cabbage, Provence
Once roses are planted they are destined to give great pleasure for many years to come. It is well worthwhile, therefore, to take a lot of trouble at this stage to carry out this operation with care. It’s a recommendation to allow the newly dug ground to settle for at least six weeks before planting
Three different types of pruning are practiced by Rose gardeners : HARD PRUNING This consists in cutting a shoot back to three or four buds from its base; e.g. in a bush rose to an outward growing bud and at a point which is usually 5-6 in. from the ground. MODERATE PRUNING In this form
There is probably more varied advice given on the planting of roses than on any item of gardening work; the soil preparation, which is a necessary preliminary and may be considered in connection with it, is the subject of even more contradictory direction. Rather than attempt to weigh the possible disadvantages of one method with
Pruning Bush or Dwarf Roses – And now to the pruning of roses that are not newly planted. I warn those who are not interested that it is a complex subject, but if it is any inducement to the reader to read on, I will be as brief as possible, if only for my own
Pruning Climbing Roses This need present no difficulty, although it is true it seems to puzzle many rose growers of some years’ standing. But, as a rule, where they err is not in pruning the plants insufficiently, but in pruning them too much. While systematic and regular pruning is good for dwarf roses, climbing varieties,
Plant breeders have given us roses that grow well under difficult conditions and bloom almost continuously from early summer to frost. Proper plant nutrition is easy and simple to provide with the use of complete plant food that supplies all the vital elements needed from the soil. Insect and disease problems can be prevented easily
To help you decide whether a particular rose is suitable for your rose garden design, the heights and vigor are included, but it must be remembered that under very good growing conditions, these are likely to be greater, and vice versa. The heights, unless specified, are graded as below: short: up to 2 ft. 3
From the Greek physa, a bladder, an allusion to the inflated calyx (Solanaceae). A genus of 100 or more species of which the two most well-known are P. alkekengi, the Bladder Cherry or Chinese Lantern Plant, with its brilliant, flame-coloured, air-filled calyces, and P. peruviana, the Cape Gooseberry, which is a greenhouse species. They are
The natural everlasting flowers are those with papery petals, often called immortelles, that can be dried and kept for indoor arrangements during the winter. The most common are helichrysums and other members of the daisy family including helipterum, ammobium, anaphalis and xeranthemum, all yellow, bronze, gold, pink and white and a packet of seeds can
Fall planting of strawberries has its advantages to home gardeners in some areas, particularly to those who want to have a bearing bed as soon as possible in their own backyard. We have been familiar for many years with the feasibility-in fact, even the distinct and feasibility in planting in some northerly areas. Fall planting
‘Pelee’ is a garden mum which bears single flowers in russet-red. Chrysanthemum is made up of both annuals, and perennials and are best known for their showy flowers. There are twelve different flowerhead forms which distinguish the different chrysanthemums. Colors range from yellow to red to pink to brown and bloom time ranges from midsummer
Pumpkin Poem or Two by Tony Hickman All poems are copyrighted. Request to publish any poem requires permission from Tony Hickman. If you would like to see how my pumpkin patch is doing this 2001, please stop by. WHO Who’s got the biggestAnd who’s didn’t bustWho’s telling liesAnd who can we trustWho’s keeping secretsAnd who’s
If you’re wondering what gardening tasks to perform in October, first you need to understand your gardening zone.  Now you understand your gardening zone, below defines the tasks to perform for your garden. Zone 1 Finish planting container-grown trees and shrubs Plant needle-bearing evergreens early in the month If the month is dry, repeat the
Autumn is in the air. Clouds suc­ceed each ray of sunshine. This is the season of fulfillment. Seeds and fruits are ripening. Buds are being covered by fur coats. The wild beasts are storing food. Man is changing his summer hab­its. It is time for contemplation. It is not on New Year’s day that the
Now is the time to consider about the great pumpkin you’ll be carving this Halloween. As you know, Linus would wait all night for the Great Pumpkin, but I wouldn’t take a cue from Linus. I’d head directly to the patch with the kids in tow. Once there, after your children have moved, rolled and