Caroline Williams is sharing photos from her Louisiana garden today. We’ve visited her garden before, so start here—Relax in the Garden—if you want to see her garden in other seasons.
The sign at Caroline’s front entry says “Welcome,” and the over-the-top abundance of flowers echoes the same sentiment! Lots of roses are coming into bloom, backed up by snapdragons (Antirrhum majus, annual).
In front of these roses is rose campion (Lychnis coronaria, Zones 4–8), a biennial. It makes a rosette of silvery leaves the first year, then springs up to produce showy scarlet flowers after it goes through winter. Plants usually die after flowering but will self-sow if you let them.
This rose in full flower looks to be ‘Double Knockout’ (Rosa ‘Radtko’, Zones 5–9), which is still one of the most disease-resistant varieties you can grow.
Caroline uses a lot of containers in the garden to add even more color and interest to her plantings.
An absolutely perfect white rose begins to unfurl.
I’m not sure what this flowering shrub is, but that is quite the display of white flowers.
Across the garden, flowers are visible everywhere.
These roses and snapdragons are blooming together. Snapdragons will bloom all summer in cool-summer climates, but in the South they are usually grown as a winter annual, coming into peak bloom in early summer before fading in the heat.
The flower spike of a yellow baptisia (probably Baptisia sphaerocarpa, Zones 5–8, or one of the newer baptisia hybrids) provides a nice contrast to the red rose next to it.
Caroline’s garden is in a classic cottage-garden style—informal, personal, and filled with flowers.
Have a garden you’d like to share?
Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!
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