Gardening for Beginners
These 15 medicinal herbs are easy to grow at home! Join me for an herbal garden tour and learn which medicinal herbs and their uses I’m growing for use all year-round but especially during fall and winter. Click “SHOW MORE” for list and “MORE ABOUT ME” for some freebies!

Being able to grow your own medicine and use them to help aid your family through ailments is a wonderful thing. Here are my top 15 medicinal herbs:

1. Elderberry (my elderberry syrup recipe )
2. Feverfew
3. Marshmallow
4. Valerian
5. Yarrow
6. Chamomile
7. Echinacea
8. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
9. Wood Betony
10. Hyssop
11. Lavender
12. Peppermint
13. Sage
14. Lemon Balm
15. Horehound

To get on the waitlist and for more info on the herbal class and challenge with the Pioneering Today Academy


Howdy! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Melissa from Pioneering Today and a 5th generation homesteader where I’m doing my best to hold onto the old traditions in a modern world and share them with others.

For raising, cooking and preserving your own food come hang out with on Instagram and Facebook

Click any of the below links for FREE resources and trainings to help you in your homestead!

Homemade Sourdough Starter Series

How to Pressure Can Series

Beginners Home Canning Safety

My Books:

The Family Garden Plan
Hand Made 100+ From Scratch Recipes (has an herbal chapter with recipes)
The Made-from-Scratch Life


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